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eBay Search

Tired of having to copy & paste your item number into the Add Snipe box? Search eBay directly within your {site} account and enter a snipe with one click.

  1. Login to your LotSnipe account.
  2. Click on Search in the Nav.
  3. Enter the item you would like to find in the "Search eBay for..." input, and click Search.

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Search Tips

Operator Description Example Returns
Space between words Applies AND logic to multiple keywords. baseball card Items with both the words "baseball" and "card".
Comma (,) between words, with no parentheses or spaces Requires an exact sequence of words. baseball,card Items with the exact phrase "baseball card" in the title. This is equivalent to specifying the keywords, separated by spaces, in order within quotation marks (e.g., "baseball card").
Comma between words in parentheses and no spaces Applies OR logic to multiple keywords. (baseball,card) Items with either the word "baseball" or the word "card" in the title.
Quoted (" ") words Requires an exact sequence of words. "baseball card" Items with the exact phrase "baseball card" in the title.
Minus ("-") sign before a word Applies NOT logic to a single word. Specified word cannot be present. baseball -autograph Items that have the word "baseball" but not "autograph".
Minus ("-") sign before a group of words in parentheses Applies NOT logic to a group of words. Specified words cannot be present. baseball -(autograph,card,star) Items with the word "baseball" but not "autograph," "card," or "star".
At sign ("@") Search must find two of three words from a list. @1 baseball autograph card Items with two of the three words "baseball," "autograph," and "card". For a "3 out of 4" search, use @2 and a list of four words.
Plus sign ("+") Concatenates a query string using AND logic with another keyword. @1 baseball autograph card +star Items with any two of the three words "baseball," "autograph," or "card" in the title plus the word "star".

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